You know that saying, "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater"? Well, I would like to turn that analogy on its head and say that if Margot is the baby (she is) then my good intentions of blogging regularly for the past 6 weeks are the bathwater...which has most certainly gotten thrown out. Rather then pick up where I left off (in September), I will pretend like you are all caught up on my life and just post about yesterday...the day that we went to the PUMPKIN PATCH.
Going to a pumpkin patch in October may not seem like a big deal to you. Especially if you live on the mainland USA where such excursions are typical this time of year. But let me explain, every weekend I check the Big Island Calender of Events online (yes, I do have it bookmarked) looking for something to do- a festival, a fair, live music...ANYTHING. And every time we go to one of these events I am disappointed (Ok, in all fairness, the Big Island did just host one a race that is a pretty big deal). This weekend was different. This weekend was Pumpkin Patch weekend. I needed an excuse to dress in fall (ish) clothes and get out of town. So, I called up some friends (Steve had work to do and stayed at home), we dug out our boots and scarves (even though it was 85 degrees out) and drove 45 minutes to the "pumpkin patch" hopeful that it would not be lame. We arrived and were shocked/surprised/stoked to find that there were hundreds of people there (so what if most of them were under the age of 12).
A pumpkin patch in Hawaii is not your typical pumpkin patch. Hula dances replace tractor rides. Lau Lau plates and Spam musubi replace apple cider and donuts. The air is hot and thick not brisk and light. In fact, at a Hawaiian pumpkin patch there is no actual pumpkin patch...just a bunch of overpriced pumpkins in small fenced in area with some hay bales (that are also for sale). But to us, on this day, bringing back childhood memories of pumpkin picking with family and friends, this patch was perfect. Plus, Margot needs photos at places like this for her scrapbook (she doesn't really have a scrapbook). After we were all pumpkin patched out, we went to the Starbucks in town where they have a fake fireplace. We planned on ordering Pumpkin Spice Lattes to tie in with the theme of the day....but for some reason when we got to the counter we all ordered coffee. Sarah and Cambria got pumpkin syrup in theirs. Here's a photo recap of the day.
Cambria & Sarah stoked for the roadtrip! |
"Autumn" outfits. |
token photo with a scarecrow. |
Sarah, a scarecrow and a baby. |
Margot was STOKED about the pumpkin patch... |
...but not as stoked as Cam. |
My excitement level was somewhere in between theirs. |
...and I was sweating a lot. horomones. and wool socks. and boots. and a scarf. in Hawaii. |
Sarah was most excited about the 25 cent book sale taking place next to the pumpkin patch. |
so... |
Jase ate this peculiar shaped caramel apple. |
Very quickly. There was also Kettle Corn involved. |
and started to feel sick. |
...but not too sick to get cotton candy. |
...that was the size of Margot. |
Sarah also enjoyed the spun sugar. |
...but not as much as Jase. |
Margot woke up long enough to smile. Actually I think she was crying. But it sort of looks like a smile. |
Post-sugar-rush venti coffee seemed like a good idea. So did the free refill. |
...then we crashed. |
crash. |
crash. |