it is a different kind of "coming home" when you are expecting to leave again. it almost feels as though the whole visit is on fast forward, [visit everyone you can as quickly as you can]. a whirlwind of change runs through my head as i try to marry the "now" with "what will be" while everything surrounding is exactly the way i left it. it is sometimes a challenge to focus moment to moment without getting carried away with plans for what's next. (it is helpful to be overwhelmed with fruits and veggies during the process though...thanks marge.)

[my mom, with a shadowy face, whom i affectionately refer to as"marge", and no, that is not her real name]
it has been refreshing to see familiar faces. although i know that we are not 10 years old anymore, it still catches me slightly off guard whenever i hang out with jess, her husband and their two kids. i have to remind myself that she is not "playing house", but is beautifully juggling the life of a young mom. while she floats about pouring apple juice for the boys (sometimes for steve, he loves his apple j.) and planning pampered chef parties i am left staring proudly at who my "kellsister" has become.
and than there are mick & misie in maryland. that whole weekend for me was a smile fest. they are a great couple who possess the incredible ability to sit around and do nothing while having the greatest time ever. i love them for that. as we enjoyed our smorgasbord of hummus, candy, tangaritas and ver-yogurty-frozen yogurt, we were surrounded by good company and the fact that second chances are possible and the realization that love is a very, very good thing.

i am learning to recognize the beauty and simplicity of truth all around me, catching glimpses of creation in the quirky personality of my 2 year old niece (who calls me dive, a mix between steve and diane), the embrace of my husband, coffee dates with katie meyler (who inspires me to no end and deserves a blog of her own...be on the lookout for that...), my sister katie's willingness to lend us her room for months on end and even within myself as i recognize His kingdom with each ache to create.
where i have tried to rationalize the love of the Father, i soak in his grace and walk on. i am giving up in the places where i have tried to fight against injustice and will instead fight for peace.
{"thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven"}
i used to think that life was fragile and that it could be doomed by bad decisions that i made. i have come to experience that it is strong, resilient and {begging}to be lived.

[grandma joan at her 83rd birthday party]
i love your thoughts here! you have passion, and it's inspiring to me, to read.
this makes me jealous. my grandmas name was joan too. she lived to be 72, its hard to let her go.
i feel like i know grandma joan now... "sorry grandma joan. gotta go."