featured blog: George Hsia Photography
My friend George Hsia is one of the most amazing photojournalists that I know! We seem to only hang out in really interesting places...Afghanistan, Haiti...check out his new website!
Photo Giveaway Winner!
newark's murder free month.
"blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God."
long day.
one day on earth.
I LOVE story-telling and I love it when story tellers connect with one another to tell a much BIGGER story. So, I was really excited when I saw this from One Day on Earth.
One Day on Earth is a documentary and new media project about the amazing diversity, conflict, tragedy, and triumph that occurs in one 24-hour period on Earth. More than a film, One Day on Earth is a multi-platform participatory media project. The flagship of this project is a 120-minute documentary to be released theatrically. Through the One Day on Earth platform we will establish a community that not only watches, but participates.
Print Giveaway!

Sex + Money: The National Search for Human Worth Goes to the Garden State
In 2007, a group of PhotogenX students embarked on a journey through 20+ nations on every inhabitable continent, motivated by their love for photography and their passion for justice. At the outset, their experiences seemed diverse, even random. However, a common thread of human suffering would soon emerge as their travels exposed them to a dark, seldom discussed side of humanity-- children being bought and sold to satisfy the sexual pleasures of other humans.
As they returned to the United States in 2008, the students were surprised to find that the same injustice was happening on the soil of their own country. Unfortunately, a large percentage of Americans are still unaware that such a grotesque crime could ever be taking place in their midst.
SEX + MONEY: A National Search for Human Worth is a feature length film that documents a group of students as they travel in an RV across the United States, seeking to understand how the sexual exploitation of children has become the nation's fasting growing form of organized crime. As the students encounter the brave men and women who are fighting on the front lines of the modern abolitionist movement, they begin to consider what further action can be taken to bring an end to such obscene forms of injustice.
The final movement of Sex + Money portrays the students quest to help make America the first slave-free nation in the world and to inspire others to do the same.
This is the third "webisode" that has been released in anticipation for the final documentary. It just so happens to be filmed where I grew up, in New Jersey.
joe's pick.
walking backwards down the stairs.
As I have cried out to Jesus Christ in desperation, I have felt His presence and a peace that smashes my paradigm. It’s been as if He has crouched down next to me, as I lay in bed, as I keeled over in pain, as I sprawled out on the bathroom floor, too weak to stand up after vomiting for hours...and as He met me at my level, He didn’t shout “be healed woman!”, there were no flashes of lighting from heaven or talking animals or burning bushes. Because He knows me and He usually cuts right to the chase. And as He gently wiped the tears from my eyes and He said, Hey. I’m here. And I’m not going anywhere.
He ravishes me with love in the way that I can receive it. And today, something clicked for me. As I realized that it has been exactly one month since I first got sick, my initial reaction was to feel really bad for myself and then get really frustrated (and sometimes when I get really frustrated, I think in “New Jersian” and catch my thoughts spinning wildly out of control, “C’mon already! Enough of this.” like a habituated commuter in a Lincoln Tunnel traffic jam). But when I quieted my thoughts and my heart, all that I was left with was the last thing that I expected. I was left with thankfulness. I felt overwhelming gratitude to be in a place where I was completely out of control. On a good day, it is so easy for me to pray, “refine me, give me endurance, teach me patience” and to question in my heart, what does it mean to “know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings”? Today, these prayers became a little bit more real as I am feeling more tested, tried, proved and refined than ever.
spotlight: afghanistan.
i think at some stage these photos have made it into a slide show and you may have seen them floating around in a few other places as well, but i feel they deserve a moment in the spotlight because they are some of the most beautiful souls i have ever encountered.i know i post about afghanistan a lot, but i think that is because it just might be my most favorite place in the world. i wanted to post 15 photos, but narrowed it down to these few. i know it's "photo of the day" but, it's my blog. and there aren't really any rules.
saints for sale [casco viejo, panama city]
'round and 'round.
Sex + Money A Global Search for Human Worth Webisode #2
Currently a team from PhotogenX is making a documentary about modern day slavery in the United States. They have been posting weekly "webisodes" and this is the second one that has been released so far. For more information or to watch the other webisode, visit their website here.
a language made of film.
My attempt to post every day has been at the mercy of busy life and trying desperately to not be sick anymore. What started out as a photo of the day might find a better suited title such as a photo every few days, a few photos on some day or no photos for a couple of days, so I apologize if there does exist even one faithful reader who waits on bated breath for each day's post (misie? mom? anyone?).
I contemplated picking out photos for each days post before hand so that I could just click "publish blog" and be done with it, but the truth is, photo of the day is not just about posting photos for everyone to see. I am not even certain anyone cares to see them, it is more about forcing myself to go back through all of my photos and LOOK. It is about remembering each face and place and moment. So, if a photo ever seems random (much like today's), is slightly out of focus and doesn't have an amazing story to go along with it, know that something about it struck a chord in my heart as I clicked through files upon files.